Floating, 2018
Immersed, 2018
Undressed, 2018 (One of three)
Undressed 2, 2018 (two of three)
Undressed 3, 2018 (three of three)
Netflix Time is the Best Time!, 2018
Sun on My Face, 2018
Resting Feet, 2018
Floating, 2018
Floating, 2018

“Shortly after my 31st birthday I decided to face my biggest fear-aquaphobia. Learning how to swim was my biggest mental and physical challenge but consistency and determination allowed me to be the swimmer I am today. Swimming has kept me in great physical health while floating (which is my favorite) has helped me learn how to relax and to focus on my breathing. I learned that without self-care I would have hindered my growth. My new skills have helped me to work on my mental, physical, and emotional health. I am now a BELIEVER in myself.” - N. Rodriguez

Immersed, 2018
Immersed, 2018

“I can feel completely submerged in the troubles that surround me and yet, drawing a bath and absorbing the warm water and quiet brings me peace and comfort. If I can focus on the stillness, I can feel the chaos wash off of me. That stillness is so vital to my self-care, as my mind and body are constantly on the go. Once I am relaxed, I try and really SEE myself, appreciating the health of my vessel from all angles. As a survivor of anorexia, embracing my body is part of my self-healing. Being comfortable in my skin as my body changes over the years is empowering. Taking the time to love myself in this way and staying grateful, is a form of self-care I know will only make me stronger.” -M. Avalos

Undressed, 2018 (One of three)
Undressed, 2018 (One of three)

“These photos reflect undressing. Undressing is simple act, however, I forgot how important it is to take my time to undress. As I have been in a meditative state for the past few weeks, I have done a lot of unveiling and pulling back of many layers. I was in a place where I no longer recognized myself but every time I undressed, I began to rediscover myself. I discovered that I had a lot of unsettled feelings around past relationships and how forgiving them would lead to self-forgiveness and more healing.” - L.Harrison

Undressed 2, 2018 (two of three)
Undressed 2, 2018 (two of three)

L. Harrison

Undressed 3, 2018 (three of three)
Undressed 3, 2018 (three of three)

L. Harrison

Netflix Time is the Best Time!, 2018
Netflix Time is the Best Time!, 2018

“I am a wife and mother to two very energetic little boys. Last year, when my youngest son was just six weeks old, I decided against daycare and instead wanted to stay home with him. The only roadblock was that, like most working class Amer- ican families, my husband and I could not afford to lose my income. So, like a true mommy on a mission, I quit my job anyway! I started my own business and I now work from home, in addition to caring for my children full time. Most of my days end with me being completely and utterly exhausted. A few Sundays a month, my husband takes the boys to visit with his parents and I get a rare few moments of quiet time. Whether it's a good documentary or a classic love story (Urban Cow boy!), if it's twenty minutes or three hours, I take that time to just sit still and rest my body and my mind. It's a form of self-care but, moreover, it's self-preservation. Most of the time, I don't know that I need a break until I take one and I'm always so grateful for these few hours when it's just me, a glass of wine, and a young John Travolta in tight Wranglers dancing and falling in love to a soft country tune.” - T. Shaw

Sun on My Face, 2018
Sun on My Face, 2018

“When life starts to feel busy and chaotic and my vision starts to blur thinking of all the to do’s, spending some time outdoors helps me to relax, reset and refocus. It doesn’t have to involve travel to a faraway mountain or a beach. It can be as close as my own backyard. Spending a few quiet moments in a ham- mock looking at the trees and the sky refreshes my perspective. My vision clears and I’m thankful.” -S. Concepcion

Resting Feet, 2018
Resting Feet, 2018

“My jobs and hobbies, even yoga, keep me on my feet. I recently recovered from planter fasciitis but resting my feet is still important as well as eating healthy, home-made food and listening to music.” - G. Davis